مقالات پذیرفته شده کنگره

  • Investigating different stages of gastric carcinoma differentiation using lectin histochemistry method

  • Khadijeh Afshoun,1 Mohammadreza Pourmohammad,2 Jina Khayatzadeh,3,* Mino gohari,4 Alireza Khoei,5 Alireza Fazel,6
    1. Clinical Research Development Unit, Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
    2. Department of Medical Parasitology, Faculty of Paramedicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran
    3. Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
    4. Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
    5. Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
    6. Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

  • Introduction: Cell surface glycoconjugates play an important role in intercellular reactions, cell with extracellular matrix and cell recognition. The changes of these glycoconjugates in cancer cells are related to the change in the adhesion of these cells and the development of aggressive tumor types. Gastric carcinoma is the second most common cancer in Iran and one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths in the world, in which the cells of the gastric glands undergo genetic and morphological changes. In this study, we discussed the changes of some sugar terminals in the stages of tumor differentiation, as well as the quantitative and qualitative changes of mucous compounds in different differentiations of gastric carcinoma cancer.
  • Methods: Tissue samples of gastric carcinoma of 40 patients with different differentiations (well, moderate, poorly and undifferentiated) along with healthy gastric samples were selected from the pathology department of Imam Reza Hospital (AS) in Mashhad after studying hematoxylin and eosin slides. To ensure the previous diagnosis, 5 micrometer thick sections were prepared and stained with by histochemical lectin method with SBA and MAA lectins (conjugated with HRP enzyme) and were examined microscopically. The results were analyzed and evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis statistical analysis
  • Results: Changes in the response of stroma and tumor cells compared to healthy tissue in the reaction with SBA lectin were not significant, and the response of healthy and cancerous tissues to MAA lectin was negative.
  • Conclusion: It seems that sugar terminals attached to SBA and MAA lectins do not play an important and essential role in cell interactions and creating special behaviors resulting from neoplastic changes in gastric glandular cells. It seems that each sugar compound follows a specific release pattern due to its specific role in different stages of differentiation.
  • Keywords: Gastric carcinoma, lectin histochemistry, SBA, MAA

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