Introduction: Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwid .It should be noted that liver cancer ranks fourth in mortality among other cancers.
It is also necessary to know that a large share of these deaths occurred in
low-income or developing countries.
So actions in appropriate time ,equipments and identifying the genes involved in the disease and the sequence of these genes in different people helps to treat patients better and more succrssfully.
Methods: The purpose of this study is to investigate the genetic relationship with medecine side effects available in Iran. Therefore, we selected different polymorphisms based on the citations and patient populations according to theNCBI website and analyzed these polymorphisms with the megagene software and identified the effective genes in this disease.
Results: We found out that genes Malat1(Rs664589,Rs619586,Rs3200401 ) ,Dlc1(Rs621554, Rs532841,3816748)and ACYP2(Rs843711,Rs6713088,Rs1682111) have the most important contributions in liver cancer.
Conclusion: We suggest that oncologists through assessment of patients'polymorphisms choose the most suitable medecine with the least side effects.
Keywords: Liver cancer, gene, chemotherapy, polymorphism, target therapy, side effects
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