Mobina Mirkarimi,1Saeedeh Ghiasvand,2Flora Forouzesh,3Mohammad Amin Javidi,4,*
1. Integrative Oncology Department, Breast Cancer Research Center, Motamed Cancer Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran. 2- Department of Genetics, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran 3. Department of Genetics, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 4. Integrative Oncology Department, Breast Cancer Research Center, Motamed Cancer Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Today, various methods have been invented to treat infectious and non-infectious diseases. Along with these treatments, the emergence of vaccines to treat these diseases is also very important and has created a new opportunity to prevent infectious diseases[1]. Cancer vaccines were first used in 1980 based on tumor cells and tumor lysate [2]. Cancer vaccines are generally classified into four categories: vaccines based on whole cell, virus, peptide, and nucleic acid. Among the mentioned types, cell-based vaccines are the main type of this classification.
MiRNAs are a group of RNAs which play an important role in regulating gene expression after transcription. The results of studies of the last decade show that miRNAs affect cancer hallmarks, maintaining the proliferation signal, activating invasion and metastasis, and evading immune cells, inducing programmed cell death and growth suppressors [3]. By affecting crucial steps in cancer progression, miRNAs have a dual role and can lead to the suppression or progression of cancer [4]. Due to their wide regulatory potential, recruiting them in cancer vaccines for treatment or prevention has attracted many researchers around the world.
Methods: This article was written using keywords miRNA, miR-34, miR-200c, cancer treatment, cancer prevention from google scholar, pubmed and NCBI sites.
Results: There are 4 different types of cancer vaccines:
1. Peptide-based cancer vaccines are used in cancer treatments due to their immunogenic properties and longer lifespan [5].
2. Whole cell-based cancer vaccines; by manipulating cytokines and chemokines we can maximize immunogenicity of them after injection [6]
3. Dendritic cells-based cancer vaccines; dendritic cells are the most powerful immune cells in modulating the primary immune system, and are the main linker bridge between innate and adaptive immune system [7].
4. Nucleic acid-based cancer vaccines; DNA-based cancer vaccines have been performed on breast cancer patients. One of the main reasons for using DNA-based vaccines is the ability to design a strong plasmid vector along with the ability to control and monitor the body's immune system after vaccination [8] (figure 1).
MiRNAs as cancer vaccines
MiRNAs can act as tumor suppressors “tumor suppressor miRs” and oncogenic miRNAs “onco-miRs”[4]. Different miRNAs according to their function in cancer, have been examined to be used as cancer vaccine. In this regard, we can mention tumor suppressor miRs like miR-34a (MiR-34 is associated with p53 activity), miR-145, and let-7 family. MiR-200c inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and prevents cancer cell metastasis, but on the other hand, in late-stage cancer, it shows a reverse function. This shows that miR-200c has a dual role according to cancer stage and conditions [9]. The first miRNAs detected in human cancer were miR-15a and miR-16-1.miR-15a and miR-16-1 target B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2), an anti-apoptotic protein [10] and Cdc2 and Anxa2, which are cell cycle regulators [10]. As a result, their repair leads to increased apoptosis [10] and also reduces tumor size and metastasis (these miRNAs are under investigation to be used as functional miRNA-based cancer vaccine).
Conclusion: MiRNAs-based cancer vaccines have the potential to be used in cancer vaccines, and according to their wide-range of regulatory capacity, it seems that they may have the ability to be exploited for various type of cancers. Some of these miRNAs exert a dual function in cancer progression and in different stages of the disease; hence, prior to be benefited in the bed side, sufficient preclinical studies are needed.
Keywords: miRNA, miR-34,miR-200c, cancer treatment, cancer prevention
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